Title: Dr. Seuss Storytime Books - Complete Set of 4 Books
Format: Clothbound Hardcover
Author: Dr. Seuss
Illustrator: Dr. Seuss
Year: 1974
Publisher: Random House, New York
Length: each book contains 176 Pages
Dimensions: 8.25" wide by 11" tall
Condition: Cover and spine wear noted especially around the edges of this set - the outsides have been well-loved over the years. No writing or missing pages noted inside these editions with the exception of a tiny bit of scribble on the title page of the green book. There is a page tear at the top of the back, inside cover of the purple book. This book set is tightly bound. There is a small crack at the spine of the pink (first) book at the inside cover.
This wonderful set includes both well-known Dr. Seuss favorites as well as some lesser-known stories you will also love including (but not limited to): Yertle the Turtle, I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today!, How The Grinch Stole Christmas, The Sneetches & so many more!! Talk about hours of silly reading fun for the entire family!
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