Mickey Sees the U.S.A. Told by Caroline D. Emerson - 1944 Edition


– Sold Out
Title:  Mickey Sees the U.S.A.
Format:  Clothbound Hardcover
Author:  Caroline D. Emerson
Illustrator:  The Walt Disney Studio
Publisher:  D. C. Heath and Company - Boston
Year:  1944
Length: 138 Pages
Dimensions: 6.25" wide by 8.5" tall
Condition:  Minor cover and spine wear noted especially around the edges. There is a name written in pencil on the inside cover.  No other writing noted.  This book has been well-loved and read over the years & it shows.  Page wrinkles, smudges & a stain to the foredges are noted.  It still has a lot of life left in it.
