Title: King of the Wind and Misty of Chincoteague
Format: Clothbound Hardcover
Author: Marguerite Henry
Illustrator: Wesley Dennis
Year: 1978 and 1977
Publisher: Rand McNally & Company
Length: 174 Pages and 173 Pages
Dimensions: 6.25" wide by 9.25" tall
King of the Wind Condition: Minor cover and spine wear noted especially around the edges. The inside is clean - no torn or missing pages noted. The book is tightly bound. There is a name written in ink on the inside cover. There is also a school stamp on the back inside cover.
Misty of Chincoteague Condition: Cover and spine wear noted especially around the edges. There is a beautifully penned inscription on the half title page. No other writing noted.
Misty of Chincoteague won the John Newbery Medal.
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