Title: Jack & Jill and Eight Cousins
Format: Clothbound Hardcovers
Author: Louisa May Alcott
Illustrator: Ruth Ives
Year: 1956
Publisher: Junior Deluxe Editions, Garden City, New York
Length: 318 Pages
Dimensions: 6" wide by 8.5" tall
Condition: Minor cover & spine wear noted especially around the edges & the very top of the spine. The inside of Jack & Jill is clean - no writing, torn or missing pages noted. This edition has been well loved over the years - the pages show wrinkling from years of being turned over and over again.
Eight Cousins has minor cover & spine wear noted. There is some crayon in the book as shown in the photos. No other writing, torn or missing pages noted. The book has the smell of crayon as well as I believe a crayon may have melted against the top edge at the back of the book as shown in the photos. It appears it was a silver crayon. All pages with text are clean & do not have any crayon - it is just the inside and back covers along with two blank pages in the front of the book.
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