Title: The Snowy Day, A Letter to Amy, Pet Show! and Goggles!
Format: Clothbound Hardcovers - Goggles includes a dust jacket
Author: Ezra Jack Keats
Illustrator: Ezra Jack Keats
Year: 2006, 1968, 1987, 1969
Publisher: The Viking Press, New York, Harper & Row Publishers, The Macmillan Company/Aladdin Books
Length: various
Dimensions: The Snowy Day measures 8.25" wide by 8.25" tall and Goggles measures 9.25" wide by 8.25" tall
Condition: Minor cover and spine wear noted especially around the edges. The dust jacket of Goggles has wear especially noted around the edges. Goggles has a bookstore sticker on the back, inside cover. A Letter to Amy has a name written in marker on the inside cover as well as a few age spots/smudges on the first few pages of the book. Pet Show! has a library card envelope on the back, inside cover as well as a stamp on the opposite page. No torn or missing pages noted. No writing within the pages of the books. Each book is tightly bound.
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