Title: Box Set of Newbery Award Winning Books: It's Like This, Cat, Julie of the Wolves, Onion John & Sounder
Format: Softcover in Cardboard Sleeve
Author: Emily Cheney Neville, Jean Craighead George, Joseph Krumgold and William H. Armstrong
Illustrator: Emil Weiss, James Barkley, John Schoenherr, Symeon Shimin
Publisher: A Harper Trophy Book, Harper & Row Publishers
Year: 1984
Length: 180 Pages, 248 Pages, 170 Pages, and 116 Pages
Dimensions: approximately 5.25" wide by 7.75" tall
Condition: Minor cover and spine wear noted especially around the edges of the box noted. The books themselves are in good, vintage condition - no writing, torn or missing pages noted. Each book is tightly bound. Some yellowing due to age.
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