Title: Cherry Ames Book Set Volumes 2-8: Senior Nurse, Army Nurse, Chief Nurse, Flight Nurse, Veterans Nurse, Private Duty Nurse and Visiting Nurse
Format: Clothbound Hardcovers
Author: Helen Wells
Illustrators: Ruth Rosenthal & Ralph Crosby Smith
Copyright Years: 1944-
Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap Publishers New York
Condition: Cover and spine wear noted especially around the edges of the dust jackets. The dust jackets have been well-loved but have done well in protecting the books themselves. There is a name & address written in ink on the front endpapers of Cherry Ames Flight Nurse. This is also the only volume with a plastic sleeve covering the dust jacket. These are often added by bookstores & collectors to help protect the dust jackets. Several of the dust jacket's have been clipped to hide the original prices. There is $.95 written in ink on several of the front, inside flaps of the dust jackets as well. No other writing noted. No torn or missing pages noted - the insides are clean. Each volume is tightly bound. No broken hinges noted.
Please note the two different styles of covers on this set. See all photos as they are part of the visual representation of this set.
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