Title: Bobbsey Twins Book Set Includes: In the Country, On an Airplane, in Volcano Land & Book One - The Bobbsey Twins
Format: Clothbound Hardcovers
Author: Laura Lee Hope
Illustrator: none listed
Year: 1950, 1950, 1961, and 1933
Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap Publishers, New York
Length: 210 Pages, 246 Pages & 182 Pages
Dimensions: approximately 5.25" wide by 7.75" tall
Condition: Minor spine & cover wear noted as would be expected on books this age especially around the edges. Bobbsey Twins Book 1 and In the Country both has inscription on the blank page opposite the half title page. No other writing noted in these books. No torn or missing pages noted. A cracked spine or two noted. All books are tightly bound. In Volcano Land has a name written in ink on the inside cover. 2.6
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