Title: The Bedside Book of Birds: An Avian Miscellany
Format: Hardcover Clothbound with Dust Jacket
Author: Graeme Gibson
Illustrator: Book Design by CS Richardson
Year: 2005 First Edition
Publisher: Nan A. Talese - Doubleday
Length: 369 Pages
Dimensions: 6.5" wide by 9.5" tall
Condition: Minor wear to the dust jacket near the top of the front cover. The price on the back of the dust jacket has been covered in marker & the inside price on the dust jacket was snipped out (just the corner where the price was printed). The book itself is very clean. There is a mark on the front cover as shown in the photos. The pages are clean - no writing, tears or missing pages noted. This is a gorgeous edition. There are minor page wrinkles on the first three pages where it looks like someone was a little rough in how they turned the pages. Otherwise, this book is clean & in great condition.
**Wood hand & clip shown in the photos is not included in this purchase.
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