The Wonder World Book Three by Lewis & Rowland: The New Silent Readers - 1930 Edition


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Title:  The Wonder World Book Three:  The New Silent Readers A Basal Activity Series
Format:  Clothbound Hardcover
Author:  William Dodge Lewis, Pd.D. & Albert Lindsay Rowland, Ph.D.
Illustrator:  Hattie Longstreet Price
Year:  1930
Publisher:  The John C. Winston Company
Length: 295 Pages
Dimensions: 5.5" wide by 7.75" tall
Condition:  Minor covers and spine wear noted.  There was a name written in pencil on the title page that someone tried to cross out in red.  No other writing noted.  No missing pages noted.  The book is tightly bound.  There is one or two small page tears noted (see last photo for example).  The illustrations in this book are everything you would expect from a book published in the early 1930's.  They definitely have an art deco style/vibe to them.  The cover makes this a great book to add to any patriotic displays in your home as well.  
