Nature Studies in Field and Wood by Chester A Reed - 1911 Edition


– Sold Out
Title:  Nature Studies in Field and Wood
Format:  Clothbound Hardcover
Author:  Chester A. Reed
Illustrator:  Chester A. Reed
Publisher:  Chas K. Reed, Worcester, Massachusetts
Year:  1911
Length: 92 Pages + index
Dimensions: 5.5" wide by 7.5" tall
Condition:  Minor cover and spine wear noted especially around the edges.  There is a name written in ink on the front cover in the block at the bottom of the cover.  There is no other writing noted within the pages of the book.  The index has been torn at the back of the book.  There are page wrinkles at the spine at the bottom of each page as shown in the photographs.  For a book that is over 100 years old, it is in decent condition.  The binding is the old-fashioned string binding & is loose but still intact.
