Dent Dutton Children's Illustrated Classics: Heidi & A Child's Garden of Verses


Title:  Heidi and a Child's Garden of Verses
Format:  Clothbound Hardcover with Embossed Title & Author
Author:  Johanna Spyri and Robert Louis Stevenson
Illustrator:  Vincent O. Cohen & Mary Shillabeer with wood engravings by Robert Louis Stevenson
Year:  1956 and 1960
Publisher:  London:  J. M. Dent & Sons LTD, New York:  E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc.
Length: 320 Pages and 127 Pages
Dimensions:  5.75" wide by 8” tall and 5.75" wide by 8.5" tall - note A Child's Garden of Verses is a bit taller than Heidi both are the same width.
Heidi Condition:  Minor cover and spine wear noted especially around the edges.  No torn or missing pages noted.  There is a name written in pen on the title page.  One can also see the remnants of a name written in pencil which has since been erased.
A Child's Garden of Verses Condition:  The covers and spine show minor wear especially noted around the edges.  The inside end paper has been removed from the front of the book.  There is writing on the inside cover page as well as the first title page of the book.  No other writing has been noted.  One or two age spots (foxing) noted.  The book is tightly bound.  

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