Title: Charlotte's Web, Stuart Little, & The Cricket in Times Square
Format: Clothbound Hardcover (Charlotte's Web includes Dust Jacket
Author: E. B. White, E. B White & George Selden
Illustrator: Garth Williams
Year: 1952, 1983 & 1960
Publisher: Harper & Row, Publishers and Ariel Books Farrar, Strause & Giroux - The Cricket in Times Square
Length: 184 Pages, 131 Pages and 157 Pages
Dimensions: 5.5" wide by 8.5" tall
Condition: Cover and spine wear noted especially around the edges. No writing, torn or missing pages noted. The inside cover of Stuart Little is cracked, however the pages are still tightly bound.
Charlotte's Web is a 1953 Newbery Honor Book.
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