Title: Nancy Drew Mystery Series Twin Thrillers Book Set of 4: The Bungalow Mystery with The Mystery at Lilac Inn #10602, The Sign of the Twisted Candles with Password to Larkspur Lane #10605, The Clue of the Dancing Puppet and The Moonstone Castle Mystery #10618, and The Spider Sapphire Mystery and the Invisible Intruder #10621
Format: Clothbound Hardcovers
Author: Carolyn Keene
Illustrator: None Listed
Year: 1960's editions
Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap Publishers
Length: various
Dimensions: 5" wide by 7.25" tall
Condition: Minor cover and spine wear noted especially around the edges. This set is very clean for its age - no writing, torn or missing pages noted. The colors of the spine design vary due to printing times - some appear to be different shades of blue & some appear as different shades of green - see photos. The covers and spines are a light lilac that almost appears gray. These books are tightly bound. The pages have an aged look to them and a smudge or two is present on the foredges as well as a page or two.
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