Title: Nancy Drew Mysteries Books Three - Seven: The Bungalow Mystery, The Mystery at Lilac Inn, The Secret of Shadow Ranch, The Secret of Red Gate Farm, and The Clue in the Diary
Format: Clothbound Hardcovers
Author: Carolyn Keene
Illustrator: None Listed
Years: 1960, 1961, 1965, 1961, and 1962
Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap Publishers
Length: 190 Pages, 182 Pages, 180 Pages, 180 Pages and 175 Pages
Dimensions: 5" wide by 7.75" tall
Condition: Minor cover and spine wear noted especially around the edges. There is a name written in ink on the inside cover of The Secret of Shadow Ranch. This edition also has damage to the back cover as shown in the photos. The Clue in the Diary has it's end paper (at the back of the book) torn out. There is also a name plate in The Clue in the Diary & the Bungalow Mystery.
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