Book Trivia Week 10
Happy Tuesday! Time for another week of Book Trivia Tuesday! Last week we discussed Bemelman's Bar in NYC - where the murals of Ludwig Bemelmans (famous for his Madeline books) grace the walls of the bar.
Today's trivia question is: Who was the first woman to win the Noble Prize for Literature? Bonus Points if you can also name the year!
Selma Lagerlöf of Sweden won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1909. She was awarded the prize in 1909 “in appreciation of the lofty idealism, vivid imagination and spiritual perception that characterize her writings.”
Her first published piece was Jerusalem which was intended to be a primer for elementary schools but actually became one of the most delightful children’s books in any language. She is best known for her work - The Wonderful Adventures of Nils which was published in 1906. You can find it here.
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